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Vedic Astrology

I've always been fascinated with people's sun sign before I discovered Vedic Astrology.  My curiosity had lead me to an ancient form of Astrology originated in India also known as Jyotish, which means Science of Light.  

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"This was absolutely amazing.  You really took the time out to look deeply into my chart and I thank you very much for this." Career Consultation


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Astrological Readings

Astonomical Clock


I do a 45 minute general life reading on the four main aspect of your life which are your 1. Identity, 2. Emotional Outlook, 3. Relationship, 4. Career.  Furthermore I will be teaching you how to identify the planets within your chart and how they are affecting you on a deeper level providing insight into your own self.  Also will be talking about how the current transit will be affect you and how to best utilize the time to maximize your results

Birth of Venus


In this reading, I will explain to you the basic fundamentals of relationship and how to best maximize your time and energy by picking the right one for you.  Knowing you own particular attraction and what type of partner is right will give you clarity and knowing when to draw the line and avoid potential pitfalls in the dating scene in today's environment.

Astronomical Clock


In today's day and age, a lot of people feel a lot of dissatisfaction with the education system and what type of work one wants to do.  In this reading, I will describe what your strengths are and what your soul wants to accomplish in this life time.  We are all here with a purpose and knowing how to best approach it is half the battle.

Working Coffee

"The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection"

Carl Jung

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